First of all, we are very grateful for the communication with our News Agency and for sending us information, the reason for this is to let you know about our SOCINCE project –News Agency for the Americas-, an initiative that aims to bring reality closer of families and populations with serious difficulties in their economic development and can be incorporated into the agenda of municipal, provincial and national states in our region. To do this, we cover events both in our country Argentina and in different countries in the region, we work independently and our objective is to end the social obstacle that prevents us from adequate human development in these times: Welfare, Clientism and Corruption, as well as We are going to join in feeding the “supposed” crack where the only people affected are families with very low purchasing power or those who do not have any income.
Our activity began in 1989 with the Magazine el Ceibo TB Trabajo Barrial, then continued with the Red Hábitat Argentina and carrying forward SOCINCE today.